Thursday, May 17, 2012

Quick first post. I've just applied to be a "newsie" for The Escapist. I found out about it today and wrote open a fake news article for them. Last time I tried this it took me until the deadline to build up the confidence and even when I got it done I don't think it was that good, so no surprise I didn't get the job. I feel good about this one though so I'm optimistic.

Here is what I sent them if anyone ever comes to this site and reads this let me know what you think.

A new Pokemon game only on your phone might make you sad, but share holders are very happy. Nintendo's share prices rise approximately 18%.

Perhaps in an attempt to capitalize on a growing Mid-Core audience,Nintendo of America president Reggie Fisl-Amie made a surprising announcement to a group of investors. Due to the success of games like Angry Birds the future of Pokemon is on Android and iPhones (no word yet whether they will be playable on tablet devices) and not on the 3DS. This is a conflicting statement to Nintendo president Satoru Iwata's recent claims that Nintendo will be working hard to make the 3DS and WiiU appealing to core gamers again.

The new set of games are being referred to as Pokemon: iPhone and Pokemon: Android and will have exclusive Pokemon for each game, so for the first time it is impossible to "catch 'em all." Reggie believes that "a new Pokemon platform demands a new experience." In addition to exclusive Pokemon there will be special monsters you can unlock by preforming task such as liking the games' facebook page, or by twitting about them a certain number of times. There are even plans for platform exclusive DLC, which may mean even more Pocket Monsters!

The move to  third party platforms seems to have sparked in to action the experimental side of Nintendo, who despite selling their games for their full $50 price on their own downloadable network, is considering selling the new games for as low as a dollar. Which raises the question; Will this be a smaller Pokemon game than usual, or will it be a full game like Black and White? Nintendo is making the new games their "top priority" so expect to see more information about them soon.


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